Sunday 1 January 2012

Good morning, a Happy New Year and Welcome

Those who already know me may also know that I have one blog already (see I am not abandoning that blog, or my interest in the themes which dominate it (religious bigotry, hate groups, junk science, prod-nosed paternalists, urban folk myth, fake ‘charity’, government incompetence and neglect ...... and the abuse of power in general - especially as it pertains to my life on the Isle of Man).
But this blog brings to fruition another project I have had in mind since 2008, the centenary of the birth of Quentin Crisp. I did suggest it to others with a supposedly closer interest at that time, but nobody seemed willing.
Perhaps I should say at once that this is not a Quentin Crisp tribute site. Neither is it an attempt to canonize Mr. Crisp. In fact, it is quite possible neither he, nor his work, nor any aspect of the cottage industry which has arisen since he left us will ever appear here. For those who want that, try his official archive at and the tribute site at .
In fact, this was not even my first choice for a site name: I actually wanted to call the blog Age Against The Machine. My interest was in promoting elegance, individualism and good manners in the modern workplace - and in public life in general. I thought I might chronicle a few efforts to restore some calm and dignity to places more remarkable for faded industrial carpet in pastel colours, mismatched MDF ‘office furniture’ and endless exchanges of pointless information and insults between dreary characters in ill-fitting, predominantly polyester suiting.
Sadly, Age Against The Machine was already taken for a tribute site dedicated to a grumpy, middle-aged ensemble of ‘punks’ who have benefited handsomely from the contemporary corporate music ‘scene’ and the manufacture of not only consent but dissent. Curiously though, there was far less interest in a gentle man who first startled the world many years earlier, and who, unlike would-be revolutionaries since, never once stamped a petulant foot, raised his voice or published a manifesto of demands. So, as it may have been The Naked Civil Servant which first alerted me, many years ago, to the possibility of a more mannered life of absolute rebellion, ‘Crisperanto’ becomes the peg on which I now hang my other hat.
The site may take some time to get going properly as I struggle with the technology, or simply to find the time to write it. So please be patient, and abnormal service will begin whenever possible.


  1. P;ease don't tease me for too long.

  2. I think you are a enlightened person. A Guru. I believe the late Mr Crisp was of the same stripe. Just, on a different path. I always thought the same of Mr Moyle, the ex High Bailiff.

    1. Thank you for your kind compliment Mark, but I am not sure I could ever be a guru. I usually feel more like the character in that cartoon with a label on his back saying "Don't follow me, I'm lost too!"
